
Friday, October 15, 2010

Thrift Store Finds

My husband is a recent graduate from college and I am a 4 year drop out with the hopes of completing my degree in a year. Needless to say, we are poor.

No, I don't even think that poor is the best word to describe us. Broke, penniless, open our wallet and dust comes out, etc. We had my step father loan us some money last year so that we could purchase a mobile home. The lot rent here is half what the rent of an apartment would be AND it had the bonus feature of a yard for our big black scary dog. Plus our hope is to live here long enough to pay off our student loans and so when we do purchase our dream house, we only have house debt.

With that in mind I frequent thrift stores a LOT!!! I am always there at 9am standing outside of Savers or Good Will when they have their 99 cent days or 1.49 days hoping to snag a fabulous find at a ridiculously low price.

Penniless along with the love of crafting is not always the best combination. So, to make sure that I can continue to craft with out getting the eye roll from the hubby means that I must score the best deal. Anyone with me on that?!

So on to what I scored at a local thrift store.

I spent a total amount of $11.00. Not bad, eh?!

(Side note, the two baskets and wood stand were purchased at Garage Sales for about a total of $3.50!)

Let's dig in and see what I got!

Our first contestants are these lovely wire baskets coming in at $3.00 a piece. I am thinking baskets for the mass amount of toys that exist in this house. Or something else, we will see. Any suggestions?

Our second contestant is this lovely green bowl from Ikea weighing in at 0.80! I have never been to Ikea, although I have been told I would be taken someday (hint hint) but I am falling even more in love with Ikea since I found 4 sets of Tupperware at a garage sale for $4.00 and they were all from Ikea. This green bowl just adds to the growing love.

The final piece of this discovery, this amazing hutch thingy for only $5.00. I saw someone use something similar and turn it into a bookshelf thingy with dowels, it's confusing but just wait and see! I went to Hirshfields today looking for discounted paint and they just gave me a can! Whoo Hoo! I love free!

Anyways, those are my lucky finds, what are yours?

1 comment:

  1. wow! I know the feeling!!! dbf just lost his job and we are in the middle of planning our wedding.... not good! so Im also frequenting thrift store for vintage finds which works nicely since vintage is the theme fo rthe wedding anyways!!! so Im with ya sister! cant wait to see how this stuff turns out when your done!
