
Thursday, October 14, 2010


So, remember all the fabulous projects that I have been working on this week, well I thought that I would give you a little peek of one of them.

I was at one of my all time favorite thrift stores and to my excitement I found one of these:

For, drum roll please:

$3.50! Whoo Hoo!

Now that Isaac is about to turn 1 (eek!) and Lucas, well he is a crazy three year old who loves to run, run, RUN I thought that this would be a fabulous addition to our mounting supply of strollers.

I currently have a Sit and Stand as well, but it is quite large and sometimes I just want something small that I can put both children in and go.

The only problem with this stroller is, you guessed it, the nasty fabric. So , I purchased some fabulous boy fabric at JoAnn's, found the netting from the same thrift store, and now all that needs to be done is the sewing!

Stay tuned for the grand reveal!

Also, since there is no storage options for umbrella strollers I was thinking these from Make it and Love it, and maybe some of these. We will see though!

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