
Monday, September 27, 2010

Antique Time!

Remember the fabulous window that I found? Well, I back to the antique store where I found it this weekend. It is a fabulous store that is only open 4 days a month so when it is open, I take full advantage of it. I kidnapped Megan from A Little Knick Knack and we scoured the place for fabulous finds! To see her collection visit her web page!

I picked up a few amazing finds myself. I am so excited about them!

Drumroll please.......

A little red castiron table for my newly built and stained deck and this fabulous green screen! I am going to have to seal the table because we have no overhang so it will be subject to much weather this winter and I am not sure if the screen will stay green or become a different color (the screen is rusting) so stay tuned for future projects!

One more look at my lovely new table:

(Don't you just love our GIGANTIC pumpkin squash on our deck! I have no idea what we are going to do with it!)

Check out my side bar for link parties that I am joining today!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I'm so glad you went back for that table! It's AWESOME, and looks perfect on your deck! And the screen---you sneaky girl! I had no idea you wanted that! I'm excited to see what you do with it!
