
Friday, March 30, 2012

Bead Board Backsplash

So recently I finally convinced my husband to make a purchase for me.

It is something that I have wanted to get, desperately! Finally after much convincing, he agreed to let me buy said item.

And you know what it was?

A Jigsaw!

I have this very ugly wall in my kitchen. I mean, ugly doesn't describe it. The people who owned the house before us decided that they didn't like the cupboards above the bar so they decided to rip them down and then do some sheet rocking themselves. Bad idea.

It is just a horrible job that they did. So after two years, I was so sick of staring at it that I decided to do something about it.

Here it is:

Can you see the gigantic crack going down my wall. Yeah, the person who did this should definitely not quit their day job.

So I went out to Menards and bought a sheet of bead board and some glue and molding and got started. I am thinking I will write a tutorial about how to install bead board but that is to come. I went totally off of feel with this and learned quite a lot along the way.

Like, I didn't even need a jigsaw to do this project (although it works great for other projects I have started) and how molding becomes your best friend!

Well enough talking here is the final product. (My kitchen is complete, I plan on going all around but this was all I could get done it 2 days. Our poor kitchen was out of order during this transformation!)

Ahhh, so much better and brighter!
I love this yellow color and it looks so good up!

It is hard to see that it is bead board, but trust me it's there.

And if you are wondering about the cake stand, fear not, I will be talking about that in posts to come!

What have you done lately?

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