
Saturday, February 4, 2012

All You Need Is Love

So with my new found energy, I decided to start decorating for Valentines Day even though we only have 10 days until it is here.

But better late then never right!

So, I started with my mantel. I have decided to show you in sections and then Tada! finish with a grand finale of the mantel as a whole.

I have seen a lot of LOVE letter around blogland so I thought I would try some out. Well, after going to many stores, I couldn't find all LOVE letters. At one I found OVE at another I found LOE. I felt desperate. I didn't want to spend an arm and a leg for letters either.

So I went to Micheals. I couldn't find letters that would stand up for the price I wanted but I did find letters for about 1.39 each. So I decided to pick up a long piece of wood at Micheals and attach the letters. After some modge podge, paper, paint and a ink pad, this is what I came up with.

I "LOVE" it! Hehehehe.

What do you think?


  1. This is so super duper cute! I "LOVE" it, too! The ink on the edges totally makes the letters pop. What an adorable craft. Would be delighted for you to link this up at Mop It Up Mondays:
