
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dresser to Island

Good afternoon blog land. How are things with you? Here I am watching my nephew while my sister embarks on her 3rd semester of school. Not going to lie, I am alittle jealous. I am a learning junkie. Perhaps that is why I have so much schooling and no degree. I can't figure out what I want to do. *Sigh* Someday, someday.

Can I take a moment before I show you my fabulous project for today and talk about my cute baby Isaac? Well, it seems that my husband is just great at teaching him things. One being the things on his face ie eyes, nose, etc. Well just recently he is working on "I love you" with Isaac. Most times you have to bribe him but you tell him to say "I" which he will do, then you say "love" and then Isaac will finish up with "YOU!" in his adorable baby voice. Makes me smile everytime.

Now something that does not make me smile, the space in my kitchen. I have very limited counter space. Now it is bigger then the tiny gally kichen we had in our old apartment but it still seems so small. I have seen a lot of people in blog land turn an old dresser into an island. Now mine still has some work for me to do on it but all in all it is fabulous.

I spent a few weeks scouring thrift stores and on Monday went to Good Will mid afternoon and didn't find anything. Then I returned the following morning and found the most beautiful antique dresser for only 50.00 with an addition 5 dollars taken off if we "cash and carry". You bet I was on the phone with my husband who was taking his brother out to breakfast begging them to come and help me so I could score this fabulous dresser for only 45.00. He came and helped me load it into the car. Then he went off to eat IHOP and I went home and began sanding. I finished everything by about 9pm that night. (Thanks for being Mr. Mom honey!)

Wanna see it? Ready.....Set.......Go!

I purchased the paint from WalMart called Quiet Rain. It is the color that I used on the ceiling in the Bathroom. It is a beautiful color. I used the original knobs. They looked beautiful in their antiquy-rusty sort of way.

The inside is my favorite part. It has doors but inside is drawers! I painted the front of the drawers but left the rest of them original. I love the extra storage space. My husband is happy not to have the cookie sheets and such inside of the oven, which he thought was weird (anyone else do that?!)

I would like to get a butcher block for the top (so it doesn't look like a dresser got set in my kitchen and forgotten about) as well as bead board for the back of the dresser. But that will come in due time.

But I have to say, I LOVE IT!

I think the dresser is beautiful and the color is beautful and I love the new and added space.
What do you think?
Linking Up


  1. Amy! That looks great! Did you put the drawers underneath? I love it!

  2. That looks great! Love that it has drawers inside - it's perfect for an island. Thanks for sharing.
