
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Spice it Up!

Time, where does it go?!

I am so absolutly sorry about the lapse in posts. Time just literally gets away from me. It doesn't help that my house has now been turned into cloth diaper making central, I have literally been making diapers non-stop.

I also have many projects in the midst of being completed, so due to all of those factors, you get almost a week lapse in postings!

Today my project is simple. I found this shelf at a garage sale for $1.00. It was a little beat up but I thought for that price I would take it home and love on it!

I wanted to use this as more of a shelf that could set on something rather then hang on the wall so I took it outside, sawed one of the edges off so it laid flat, then got sanding. I decided that I wanted to keep the inside yellow but I wanted the outside white. Once I sanded, I primed and then get a spray paintin'!

Once the white was dry, I sprayed the inside yellow (although what the heck was wrong with my yellow spray paint, it was coming out in paint globs, not a steady stream, weird!)

Once it was complete, I took that baby inside to see where I could use it.

When my husband and I got married, I purchased one of those spice racks from Sam's Club that spins around and you can see all of the spices. Well, I needed to clear room on my counters so the spinny-thingy went to a thrift store and all of my spices went into this cupboard, that now looks like this:

Pretty sad, huh. Doesn't really make you want to get a cookin' does it? Well, atleast it is very uninspiration to me!

So I figured this would be a beautiful spot for my lovely creation!

Here it is in all of it's organizational glory!

I got rid of spices that I didn't know what they were or knew I would never use (Mustard seed, fennel seed?!) cleaned it up and am loving what this simple project did for my home!

Now, I know this was a little lame, I mean come on, anyone could do this right. But simple can be wonderful right?!

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  1. Hi Amy, thanks for commenting on my post and for following my blog. I will return the favour ;-). Keep crafting - you've got some lovely stuff here!
