
Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Wreath

Today is a icky day.
Rain, rain go AWAY!!!!

Beside my complete misery in the fact that it is downpouring right now and I have to stay cooped up in a house with a five year old, two three year olds and a almost 1 year old not to mention a giant huge Newfoundland, I would love to show you my wreath!

I have never made one but thought that my door looked very bare and depressing so I went out to Michaels to get the supplies to make one.

I was thoroughly please that the grape vine wreaths were on sale for 2/$5.00 and most of the leaves and such were on sale for $1.00. I picked up lots of different stuff because I wasn't sure the look I wanted to achieve.

Here is the finished product!
I love the dark maroon colors!
My door is no longer lonely!
I think that this wreath could possibly last me through the holidays! What do you think?


  1. I think you did a great job, and yes, those colors will take you right through New Years.

  2. I think so, too! It turned out great, Amy! Love the colors...and the price!
